Monday, January 28, 2008

Age 8 - Class III


The memory associated with that year is perhaps not among the happy lot.

I loved leading the class - and was good at minding the class. Mind you, keeping the class quiet was not an easy job. But over the last few years - I became the trusted one for the teachers. I was friends' with everyone making things easier. I wanted to become the captain of the class. But it wasn't going to be an easy task this time.

The year started with the arrival of a new guy - Satyabrata. We immediately became friends. He also had a natural flair for leadership and had many of the qualities you would want your friend to have. He was good in sports and in academics too. His influence grew in the class - he was loved by the teachers and was made my deputy as vice-captain soon after.

One day, our teacher announced that the captain of the class had to be chosen. I was sure that I would, as usual, be the uncontested winner of the post. To my surprise, Satyabrata came forward and said he wanted to handle the class. He had his supporters in the class who backed him up. But even I had my friends - my loyal friends- who came forward to tell the teacher that they wanted me to be their leader.

The teacher announced "ELECTION" next day!

That night, I couldn't sleep. For the first time, I felt someone challenging my position in the class. Over the years, I had developed an image of a "Leader" and thought Satyabrata had done very wrong in challenging me. From then on, my thinking changed direction. A feud was born - he wasn't a friend for me anymore.

I wish I could explain how ashamed I am, to think of it now.

The voting started... I won by a landslide margin. Satyabrata remained my deputy. After the victory, I took it as a challenge to mind the class. Things became different. I started complaining every students' doings to the teacher. I was starting to lose the charm, the authority I used to have before. I didn't realize one thing - that more you try to hold back someone, the more he tries to free himself. What was leadership before, was slowly becoming tyranny.

That was when God intervened.

It was a very hot day when it happened. There was no teacher in the class. I had ordered the class - "Heads down"! My friend Pranab was sitting in the last bench - at a distance from the fan. He lifted his head and started fanning himself with a copy. He was my best friend and thought he could enjoy some priviledges - but I was normal no more. I told him to get back to head down position - he smiled back at me - thinking it to be a joke from my side. I used to be strict within rational limits - but not anymore. I did the unthinkable. I threw the hard wooden duster straight on his face.

It struck him in the lips. He didn't even try to move out of the way. He never even thought I could do such a thing. There was a general murmur of dissent but quitened everyone by saying that anyone who would talk would meet the same consequences. I was blinded by the power that was given to me. Pranab didn't say anything. Wiping his tears, he looked at me in the eyes.

The message got home.

The next day I was back to my old form. I was lively and showed the characteristics which had made me their leader. Life returned to normal. I never said sorry to Pranab but I think he knows I am. I began to love and be loved by everyone in the class.

Now that I think of it, I realize God has amazing ways of making us learn. He showed up in Pranab's eyes that day. I don't know how the message was transferred to my brain. Why I wept in shame the whole of that night.

There are times in life when you are at a certain "UP". Things go your way and everything becomes easier. I think that is the time you got to be the most careful. That is time when you start to relax your ideals and your spirit. Sailing in high winds needs guts but keeping the ship in the right direction in calm seas is also important.

Don't get carried away in any situation - I was lucky that God showed me the way that day.

Dad says "Never be over confident".

What do you think?

1 comment:

Rishi said...

Keep blogging man..I think that we are all loving it very very much..