Thursday, January 24, 2008

Age 6 - Class I

The year 1993 marked an important phase in my life. I had reached a "numbered" class after all- and also, I was allowed to wear full pants to school!

Class I. March. I was supposed to be a big boy now. After a normal day in class, the sound of the bell was welcomed by all the students with a loud cheer. Packing our bags to go back home after a tiring days' class would make unseen energy rip out in our veins- we were fast, excited and most importantly, HAPPY! That day was no different. I was ready with my heavy bag to go home and waited in the front porch for Ramen Da. Ramen Da used to work in our place and was assigned to the duty of bringing me back from school.

But something went horribly wrong that day. One by one, all the students left the porch with their parents and guardians. There was no sign of Ramen Da. What had initially been an anger over Ramen Da for being late, turned to despair. I thought about the darkness that was going to engulf the building, the unseen terrors that would be eating me up. I waited and waited - in vain.

Then impulsively, I made a decision I would go back home by myself. It was better than waiting in the darkness, I thought. The teachers also left. Wiping the tears from my eyes, I started on my adventure. First, I had to think of the road - first I would be crossing the AIDC building and had to turn left after I crossed the bridge.

But Dad had warned me about kidnappers. They were supposed to be innocent looking men offering choclates. What if they caught me? I was worried. I decided to load my pockets with two big stones, just in case. With heavy pockets, a heavy bag and a heavier mind, I left the school building. Outside, there were lots of people. I was wondering which one of them would now kidnap me off. Tension, fear gripped me while trying to keep the tears away. I didn't want anyone to think I was weak. After travelling alone for about 5 minutes, a hand gripped on my shoulder.

My breath went out. My heart seemed to stop. I couldn't bear to look. I felt someone lift me up. I cried out. "Rohit...What are you doing here...Why are you alone..." I opened my eyes - my teacher was there. I wept. And wept. She showered me with kisses and carried me to the nearest shop to give a cadburys'! She took me back to the school building- only to find a red-faced flustered Ramen Da! Ramen Da as usual had forgotten his ID card and had to return home to get it.

The adventure ended in the right spirit... I now realize there is more to it than a childish experience. That was the first time I found how much I loved to be home.

I believe HOME is all there is in life, isnt it? If I am right, We all work, do whatever we do, just to have a HOME for ourselves. A location where we don't feel lost in a place where there is just a crowd of lonely people.

Think about it.

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