Monday, February 4, 2008

Age 9 - New School.


Class IV.
It introduced a new phase in my life. I was to join a new school - Kendriya Vidyalaya Maligaon. And my dear Ma was a teacher of that school.

When the announcement was made that I was to change school, I wasn't exactly sure whether I should be happy or sad... Leaving Disneyland High would be leaving all the friends I had, but it was, and is, always a good experience to explore new stuff. But all choices are not mine - I went to KVM anyhow.

I took full advantage of the fact I was going to the new school - I took a long break- a big holiday... because I stopped going to school after giving the admission test of KVM!

First day at KVM.

I was sitting in a small bench besides the Principal's chamber. There was a healthy (read fat!) guy near me - Little did I realize, we would be friends' of the first order.. ie.. forever. We had a chat - His name was Siddhartha. His mom was a teacher in KVM, just like mine. I had to join Class IV A... We both entered the class. There was a look of curiousity in everyone's eyes. I was surprised to see twins for the first time - Raktim and Pratim. I felt like a stranger.

There is a small incident I remember from that day. I wasn't sure how to put on the badge - the badge of Disneyland High was of a different mechanism. Some guys laughed at my clumsiness. I felt very odd. Then a guy, Biswajit Bhadra, came forward to help me out. I still remember the "grateful-ness" I had felt for him. The next day, I was transferred to Section B.

KVM brought a new angle to life. It was the first time I sang the National Anthem with so many students. After all these years, I realize that maybe the power behind that chorus of young voices booming in my ears sowed a small seed of love for my country.

What happened in class IV B - well, that is for my next post.

My brother told me something important when I first went to KVM. "Rohit, when you go inside this new school- u'll be known as 'madam ka beta'...I asked.."So ?"... He replied "Make sure that when you come out of school, Mom should be known as 'Rohit's Ma'.. The gravity and depth of what he said still rings in my heart.

Those words were the inspiration for me throughout my school days. It gave me an aim, a direction. When I think of it now, I realize that those words were diamonds for me. Inspiration, after all, are like diamonds - They are forever.

As I write these lines, I feel overwhelmed about how much I can derive from writing about my past.

My best friend reminds me that when we learn from our past, future takes care of itself.

What do you think?

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